Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, akciová společnost
Estimated construction time 03/2022–12/2026
Chief engineer: Ing. Jaroslav Sedmidubský, architect: Martínková Alena, construction: Ing. Jonášová Dagmar, Adam Figura, Ing. Štěpán Vosáhlo (all METROPROJEKT Praha a.s.), HABENA, spol. s r.o., statics: Ing. Jaroslav Kelíšek, HABENA, spol. s r.o., Pontex, spol. s r.o., technology: Ing. Věra Langmaierová, trafic solution: Ing. Petr Vopařil
construction organisation: Ing. Petr Ocásek,
fire security solution: Ing. Petr Hladký
Subject of the work
Documentation for building permit, for the selection of the contractor for building construction, documentation of the actual execution, author's supervision, engineering
Construction realization and contractor
Metrostav DIZ, závod 8, a GEOSAN GROUP