About Company


ISO 9001:2015
Since 19. 11. 2007, it was recertified on 2. 12. 2022
ISO 14001:2015
Since 24. 11. 2015, it was recertified on 27. 11. 2023
ISO 45001:2018
Since 28. 11. 2014, it was recertified on 27. 11. 2023
ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Since 1. 12. 2009, it was recertified on 2. 12. 2024
ČOS 051 622 (AQUAP 2110)
Since 14. 2. 2008, it was recertified on 13. 2. 2023

Company vision 

The main vision of METROPROJEKT Praha a.s. is a "satisfied customer" because the satisfied customer is a prospect of further contracts and the best promotion of a high level quality of work at the same time. 

To be able to fulfill this vision, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the strategy, goals and objectives, including specific responsibilities for their performance, to ensure awareness of all employees and their willingness to meet these goals and to follow up their suggestions for improvement. These are the basic attributes of progressive company management - a system of quality management. 

Company policy 

The company management gas announced the following integrated quality management policy, environmental management policy, occupational health and safety management policy and information security management policy and ISMS to fulfil the vision of the "satisfied customer" and the strategy

- Customer satisfaction is a priority toward which aim the efforts of all employees and which should be demonstrated in complexity, term responsiveness, economically favourable terms and top technical level of all services

 - The customer care starts with the awareness of all potential customers about the range of our company activities, in particular with the awareness of realized projects. The promotion of realized work of Metroprojekt Praha a.s. belongs to one of the basic tasks of management. 

- The next level of customer care is an offer processing in top quality which attracts customer’s attention not only from the technical and economic side but also by the formal layout and graphic presentation. The level of marketing activity and its evaluation has become a permanent subject of attention. 

- In the course of work on the acquired contract, the customer care must focus on the continuous process of information of the customer about the work progress, the conception of technical and economic solution and validation and verification of the product. Besides ensuring a high technical level, it is important to ensure that new or additional customer requirements are incorporated into the project and potential impacts on the term or price of the work are sensitively handled. Correctness and compliance with the required information security in negotiations belong to the main attributes of the company policy. 

- The company cares about the regular modernization of technical equipment of its workplace, what is a key for making a successful and competitive project with regard to information security, 

- The customer care does not end by completion and handover of the project. The employees of the company must be prepared, if the customer wants it, to ensure the cooperation in the next phase of the investment preparation of the action, as the complexity of the services belongs to the strengths of our company. Therefore, the company continuously keeps eye on the further development of their projects and derives from the results measures which are reflected in future contracts and activities. 

- The company puts emphasis on the high level of quality and term reliability of cooperating persons

- We prefer such cooperating persons as well as customers who have in view the same policies, objectives and requirements of the environmental protection, occupational health and safety and information security as our company

- The company ensures the continual improvement of staff awareness of duties of building contractors in the field of occupational health and safety and fire protection and puts consistent emphasis on requiring these obligations by employees when accessing the construction site

- The company considers as a priority the prevention of accidents and risk reduction in the field of occupational health and safety and fire protection of employees when accessing the construction sites. 

- The commitment to the continual improvement of occupational health and safety and fire protection has been determined as part of a company policy

- The company while promoting the policy takes care about that the environment is in all activities and all products continuously improved and preventively protected; provided regardful and rational use of natural resources. 

- Our effort is in all activities and all products of our company in the area of the environmental protection, occupational health and safety and fire prevention and information security to meet the requirements of relevant legislation and other requirements relating to the company

- We are continuously improving the quality of communication and cooperation with the relevant state and public authorities in order to present our policy and objectives.

- The impacts of all activities and products, i.e. present and future, are examined from the point of view of the environment. The aim is to eliminate and correct preventively all potential risks using available modern technologies

- Evidence of environmental, safety and occupational health and safety information is the staff awareness by increasing their qualifications, regular training and education. 

- The company protects assets against all internal, external, intentional or accidental threats, the criteria by which are risks evaluated, established and reviewed, the continuity of business activities is ensured, preventive measures against security incidents are adopted, thereby reducing their potential impact. 

METROPROJEKT Praha a.s. is currently certified in accordance with the following standard requirements: ČSN EN ISO 9001, ČSN EN ISO 14001, ČSN OHSAS 18001, ČSN ISO/IEC 27001, ČOS 051622 (AQAP 2110) and it was examined according to the methodology of European Integration Audit. METROPROJEKT Praha a.s is holding a “Golden certificate”for a concurrent compliance with the standards ČSN EN ISO 9001, ČSN EN ISO 14001, ČSN ISO/IEC 27001 and ČSN OHSAS 18001.

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