DESÚ (The Transport and Energy Construction Office) has issued a permission of the construction intention for the new tram line in Počernická Street in Prague 10. The new 2.2 km long line will provide a more comfortable and high-capacity connection between the Malešice housing estate and the Želivského metro station and will offer new direct connections to the wider centre of Prague. Thanks to the proximity of the existing rail network and tram power infrastructure, the site will also be served by public transport more economically, energetically and environmentally efficient. The project will involve the restoration and relocation of a pair of water supply backbones dating back to 1919 and 1939, which contribute significantly to Prague's drinking water supply. The investor of the project is Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy, a.s. The project documentation of all stages was prepared by METROPROJEKT Praha a.s. The project will be co-financed from European funds under the Operational Programme Transport (OPD3). The tender for the construction contractor is currently underway and the first tram should arrive at the Malešice housing estate in 2027.